Group tennis lessons for children

We offer personalized courses and specific programs for children and adolescents in order to meet the needs and goals of each.

Our philosophy

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Our school promotes a friendly and inclusive environment, where each student feels welcome and encouraged to progress at their own pace.


We have well-maintained tennis courts and quality equipment to ensure an optimal learning experience.

and competitions

We regularly organize tournaments, workshops and social events, allowing students to practice their skills and meet other enthusiasts


In addition to technical skills, we focus on the development of self-confidence, team spirit and sporting values

The levels

The field, the balls and the equipment are adapted to the age of the players

White ground

3-4 years

Open ground (no lines or nets)
2D game (no bounce)
Straw ball, foam ball
Racket 17

Blue ground

5-6 years

8M field with lines, without net
2D game (no bounce)
Foam ball or Starter
Racket 19

Red ground

7-8 years

12M field with net (Height: 80 cm)
3D game
Starter ball
Racket 23 (or 21 in first year)

Orange field

9-10 years

18M land with net (Height: 80 cm)
3D game
Soft ball
Racket 25 (or 23/24 in first year)

Green ground

11-12 years

21M field with net (Height: 91.4 cm)
3D game
MID ball
Racket 26 (or 25 in first year)

Yellow ground

+13 years

24M field with net (Height: 91.4 cm)
Hard ball
Adult racket

Quality education

Our coaches are experienced professionals who are passionate about tennis and trained to teach at all levels, from beginners to advanced players.

Our programs

We offer specific programs and personalized courses for children and adolescents, in order to meet the needs and goals of each.
* For orange, green, yellow fields, only groups of 4
** Cycle de 30 semaines de septembre à juin



  • Group of 4 or 6
  • White ground
  • Red ground
  • Orange ground*
  • Green ground*
  • Yellow ground*




2 hours/week

  • Group of 4
  • Blue ground
  • Red ground
  • Orange ground*
  • Green ground*
  • Yellow ground*




Min 3 hours/week

  • Personalized program
  • Red ground
  • Orange ground*
  • Green ground*
  • Yellow ground*

On request



We can't wait to see your kids on the court ready to have fun, learn, and take on new challenges!

To make a reservation, fill out the form, we will send you the confirmation and additional information by email within 48 hours.

Personal information
Booking information
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